Helena Hošková

International President WellU

WellU - a company with a heart. When someone asks me why I work with WellU, I have a simple answer: because it's a very "human company". At WellU, I found everything I consider important, that is, the people who create this company put their heart into it. We work with world-class products that help keep your body in perfect condition from the inside out. Co-workers and colleagues with whom we have very friendly relations. Finally, a great atmosphere of cooperation. I can share all this with people. I think only few people can say that they have such great working conditions as we do at WellU. Together, we can create a team that works in different parts of the world, thanks to technology we can communicate, share experiences and support. This activity is amazing and I am thankful to people who put their emotions into it, based on relationships that do not exist in standard activities. With WellU I met exceptional people who climb the career ladder and I can support them. I believe that in the coming years WellU will become a very well-known and inspiring company in the world.

Elżbieta Obczasiak

International President WellU

My cooperation with WellU has been lasting for over 16 years now. Even though I was not looking for a job, in the meantime for WellU I have changed my profession and completed 5-year long cosmetology studies. Throughout those years I have witnessed all of the Larens products’ metamorphosis, they were always exceptional both in terms of quality and effects, presently they are nothing short of perfect. Larens is not just the anti-ageing effects, but also, what is greatly appreciated and awarded in prestigious cosmetology circles, it’s regeneration for the problematic skin. Working with this brand is a pleasure.

But why WellU?

– my systematic work has resulted in quick promotions

– it’s pair commission paid always on time

– it’ annual “Dream Holiday” with attractions that one wouldn’t even dream of

– it’s a high-class company car: previously Mercedes GLC, currently BMW X6

– it’s professional training and great fun

– it’s self-development and self-realization

– it’s special relations with people whom I wouldn’t even have met if it wasn’t for WellU

I recommend WellU with all my heart – you won’t lose a thing and you can gain so much!

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Mana Manowska

President WellU

Looking at the history of my collaboration with WellU from the 10 years perspective, I can see that what attracted me to the Company in the first place was not the possibility to earn money, but rather the vision of the founder, Flaviusz Tomczak and the perspective of building something great from the beginning. The project kept on evolving, the ideas and even the name of the company have changed. Does anyone even still remember that we used to be called E-nnova?... Nevertheless, the foundations of the company always included the creation of well being, making life better. Hence the name - WellU with such an emphasis on “well”. It might be the only name in the world that ends with a capital letter. Why? Because everything that the company does is assure that you are the one receiving all the goodness. To show respect to the people we write “U” (You) with a capital letter. Because even though everything starts with products, uncomparable in their efficiency, the greatest value of WellU is always the people.

Starting with our Scientific Council, who are responsible to create products that often don’t even have their equivalents in the market. Through the products that constantly prove how effective they are, winning prestigious awards, they are our best business tool. Then come the Owners, among whom I would like to particularly extend my thanks to Rafał Pudyszak, the author of the best Career Path in the MLM business, the most reliable person that I have ever met. Finally, the group of people, without whom none of this would have been possible, the WellU Businesspartners, who form the community of people full of passion. I would like to thank my entire amazing group, as well as the “competition” for the fact that we practice ethical business based on trust and collaboration.

On a final note I would just like to add that if anyone is skeptical as to whether one can truly build the mythical “passive income” in MLM, together with the group of the WellU Directors, Vice-, and Presidents we are a living proof that yes, it is possible. In WellU we benefit from the best Autoprogramme (we are switching from charming Mini Coopers into luxurious BMWs), we are going for amazing vacations, we receive gold bars in the Golden Autumn programme and at some point, we start working just for pleasure, because our business is generating a passive income even if for whatever reason we would have to or wanted to stop working. The stability of the WellU business can even be proven with the world’s pandemics, the time in which I am writing those words – it hasn’t threatened the safety of our income in any way.

If you are looking to add something good to your life, perhaps more positive emotions, fascinating travels, a hint of luxury, the feeling of safety – I encourage you to take advantage of the WELLU CHANCE. If you are not convinced, whether you will manage, remember, that over here you are never alone and that the person, who has invited you is directly interested (also for financial reasons) in helping you achieve success. Together we can do it, together we are capable of more!

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Hana Balcárková

President WellU

I keep on walking through my life with WellU by my side. Together we are on a path that helped me regain my health. I am truly grateful that life has given me this opportunity. There are no coincidences in life. In my opinion beauty and health are very underappreciated and this company inspires me with its philosophy - to help people achieve health, give them a chance to change their lives for better. When a person wants to fulfill their dreams, they can do it with WellU. Safety, reliability, tolerance, journeys, financial opportunity, great friends, the future of scientific research. With each product that you introduce to any business, you win a delighted customer. Following the career path, I got to become a WellU President, which makes me proud. I had been working for an international multilevel marketing company, I have gained a lot of positive experience, but it is the path that I follow with WellU that truly concludes my work.

Lenka Fejfarová Kellnerová

President WellU

My name is Lenka, I am from North Moravia and I live in the Giant Mountains. Before I have joined WellU I had been working for 5 years in another cosmetic company. I believe that my meeting with WellU was not a coincidence, because both the company and the people who create it, quite literally changed my life. Actually not just mine, but also that of my entire family. I think that WellU provides everything that one could wish for in business: freedom, independence, company trust, luxurious products. And a philosophy that is close to my heart and based on an incredibly humane approach, that many companies are lacking these days. I am grateful to be a part of this community.

Lucie Peterková

President WellU

I discovered MLM in 2010 and I really liked that system. For me, it was something new, attractive, and most of all carefully thought-through, which I considered to be of great value in my work. I also gained interest in self-development, everything came together pretty well. The beginnings were difficult, but along the hard work, came effects. Three years later I started noticing how the market and customers’ needs were changing. Everything began to move in a different direction, while I started not only experiencing this change, but also a feeling of myself burning out. I felt that my clients needed something more that I had to offer them. I felt that I had to change the company into one that would offer to satisfy the needs of myself and my clients. I started intense, six-month market research, but none of the companies fulfilled my expectations. I was specific - I wanted what was best. My criteria were clear: it has to be a company that is yet unknown but offers high-quality products that will provide visible effects and can be used by the entire family. The company has to ensure an amazing financial remuneration and additional benefits, such as holidays or a car. And all of that well-balanced for me and my clients.

I learned about WellU in June 2014. I could not believe that this company fulfills everything that I had been wishing for. My delight was so big that within just 3 months I became a TOP leader, which I have my clients and my entire wonderful team to thank for. I have visited a big share of the world with WellU – Andalusia, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bali, Kenya, Dubai, Mexico and I am truly grateful for that. I had enjoyed driving a luxurious Mercedes and presently I gladly switched to BMW. I enjoy financial and time independence. I live my life fulfilling my dreams and enjoying life as much as possible. If you dream of something, chase it because nothing is impossible and your thoughts will become reality. I wish you many successes and fulfilling all of your secret dreams.

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Irena Železná

Vice President WellU

My name is Irena Železná and my life motto is “Work in a way that allows you to create value and bring benefits to others”. In 2015 this maxim made me commence my collaboration with WellU. I had two months before going into labour and a huge challenge to face ahead: complete as much work as possible, before the child is born. The first two years were far from easy, but I believe that if a person has a clearly established goal, nothing can stop them. And so, in those difficult conditions, but highly motivated, within the next two years I have become a WellU Vice President. I also have my colleagues to thank for that - they are very capable, were helping me in representing the company, and are amazing leaders. Working with competent people is the biggest reward, but also a significant obligation. The WellU offer is wide. Some are interested in commissions, company cars, and holidays. The biggest group is the Businesspartners who value the personal input into a company that offers products, the efficiency of which has been proven by scientific research.

Mirosława Kubasiewicz Antonów

Vice President WellU

Health has always been extremely important in my life. . I was prophylactically taking natural supplements and good quality products have been my method for a life full of health and energy to work. When Mana Manowska offered me Nutrivi and Larens products, I saw how great they were in action. I have also learnt about ethics and values shared by the WellU owners and I felt that this is a company that I want to join, not just as a client. I have considered its marketing plan really good and up till today, I am taking advantage of the possibilities that it grants.

This decision has proven to be a complete metamorphosis of my career. I have quitted my job as a financial director and lecturer, I obtained the qualifications of a naturopathic practitioner, masters in Nonlinear Bioresonance, and qualifications of a beautician. Together with my son Sebastian, we manage two beauty salons in Szczecin and Warsaw. My biggest pleasure is managing my group of WellU Businesspartners and relations with my partners. Helping others is a big source of joy. I grow together with WellU, so introducing unique professional cosmetics has also pointed my interest towards cosmetology. I have combined the beauty that can be obtained by taking care of health with the results of cosmetic treatments. It brings the result of holistic care about my salons’ clients and the effective forming of the WellU group.

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Lucia Frtúsová

Vice President WellU

My name is Lucia Frtusova, I come from Slovakia – from Bratislava. Before I started working with WellU, I worked for 7 years as a representative of a foreign company in Slovakia. WellU learned from my mom, who has been working with WellU since the very beginning of the company's existence. For me, the most important thing is FREEDOM, the ability to choose and decide for myself – it is really priceless. I know nothing else that reflects the meaning of freedom more than WellU.

Katarzyna Soroczyńska

Vice President WellU

Being a working mom of a grown-up boy, I knew that the “kiddo” would soon follow his own life path. And I, even though I like procrastinating, didn’t want to become a couch potato with a remote stuck to my hand, with my only mission in life to make sure that the apartment is shiny and clean. And as they say: “Your words hold the power”. I have met Elżbieta Obczasiak. During our first, short coffee meeting, Elżbieta had told me about home skincare, about cosmeceuticals for face and allergic, problematic skin. The company’s slogan “Revolution without a scalpel” was echoing in my head all the time until the next meeting, that I simply couldn’t wait for. I am not a speaker kind, but doesn’t strength come from a group? Together with my friends, we were organizing “Larens nights”. Our cosmetologist was talking about supplements, cosmetics, products that promote slimming, and we were sharing the unbelievable results that we have experienced first-handed.

And the ladies testing the cosmetics, delighted with the results, are our clients up till today, enjoying a big discount 😉 till today, enjoying a big discount 😉 I am proud to be a part of the community formed by strong and unique women. I also appreciate the men, who not only assure great company during our trips and parties but are also invaluable support in business and private matters. And so WellU has become my passion and a great idea for my own self.

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Marcela Kuchyňková

Director WellU

For a few years, I had been working with a cosmetic company as a makeup artist and in 2015 I heard of WellU for the first time. I liked the fact that it was something more than natural cosmetics, containing many active ingredients. Their quality and effects experienced on my skin and that too, in such a short time, have completely taken me by surprise. I also got interested in the fact that the company offered more collaboration options and that everyone could choose their path. That’s why for me it was obvious that I will recommend not only the products but also the collaboration with WellU. I have linked my hobby with business and I am very happy when my clients and Businesspartners with satisfaction observe the effects of the cosmeceuticals on their skin and nutraceuticals in their bodies. The undeniable trump of the company is a kind company board that is eager to listen - it is fairly uncommon! I love the products, my team and I thank for this opportunity and for the fact that I have been driving already a second WellU car, a lovely MINI Cooper 🙂

Marianna Domańska

Director WellU

I have joined WellU for good in 2013. . Mirka Kubasiewicz-Antonów was trying to interest me in products. I have to admit that she didn’t have it easy with me, as back then I was using different products that I was happy with. However, half a year later, Mirka has invited to Szczecin Mana Manowska, I have joined the meeting and I have also invited a few people myself. The way in which she was presenting the Company and the products, was trustworthy and we were all astonished by their effectiveness as well as the fact that it was a Polish Company. Decyzję o współpracy podjęłam, gdy zobaczyłam i poczułam na własnej skórze skuteczność serum peptydowego Biopeptide Serum Spray i żelu Repair Gel. And so it has begun. I thought that since the WellU products helped me and my husband, I would be happy to recommend them to others. It’s given that I adore open-minded and young people, their company makes me feel young myself, and thanks to WellU that’s the kind of people who appeared in my life.

Ivana Chudobová

Director WellU

I had always wanted to be able to come to my work in good spirits and do, what I am really interested in. During one of the business meetings, I met a cosmetic consultant of an international brand. Thanks to that, I was given an opportunity to look under the cover of the cosmetic and beauty market. I was yearning for new friendships with women that had interests similar to mine. I was 26 years old and was happy about everything that awaited me. I was learning how to identify the skin type, how to understand the business, the art of visage, how to work with people, how to motivate and how to finalize the projects - until you reach the assigned goal. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” After 10 years I have chosen to work with WellU, a company that specializes not only in beauty and cosmetics but also in health. I was amazed by the world-unique products. Thanks to the natural peptides obtained with “cold method”, the company’s cosmetics are particularly effective. I experienced their effects first hand - that’s why I fell in love with them, and after ten years decided to switch to WellU.

“Think of yourself as a human magnet, constantly attracting what you speak, think and feel.” I have chosen WellU also because of its philosophy – noticing the uniqueness and individuality of every person and improving the quality of life with the products. For me, the individual approach to each customer/consultant is absolutely crucial. “Every success story starts with a dream.” 🙂

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I remember the first Business Weekend in Bełchatów. My promotion to Leader rank. We’ve been together with already a quite large crowd of Businesspartners from Szczecin. I was delighted with the atmosphere. The WellU board – young, energetic Gentlemen. They have conducted the meeting with tact and grace, they were presenting promising future plans. Cordial with every person. That’s what has charmed me.

I was interested in a marketing plan and a chance to make my own choices.

. From earning for my own products to financial independence. Once again I have experienced the brilliant effects of the products. The WellU Autoprogramme that I am the beneficiary of is a true cherry on a cake.

And so I have decided that I will promote the products and the WellU Company, for the good of my closer and other friends, who care for their health, beauty, and finances.

Janusz, my husband supports my actions and it is our shared success. I think that we are a good duo – me quick and spontaneous, Janusz toned, there is a balance.

Documents show 70+, but we definitely feel much younger than the majority of people our age. WellU products, Biopeptide Complex have rejuvenated us both physically and mentally. We are happy, joyful, glad to be in such a wonderful company of the WellU community.

Now that 7 years have gone by, I know that I have made the right choice. I like helping people and my younger Businesspartners provide me with so-called “four-wheel” drive.

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Anna Pyzik

Director WellU

Why WellU? How can you put a price on joy and gratitude for honours? I’ve studied to become M.Sc. Eng. in Agronomy. Since 2005 I had been working in the field of agriculture, as an agricultural advisor, maintaining business relations mainly with farmers. It’s a cool job, however, it’s a men’s world and with time I started missing meetings in female circles. In 2012 Kasia Soroczyńska has invited me for the so-called “collagen night” organized by Elżbieta Obczasiak. There weren’t too many products back then, but their quality was astonishing. Then there was the first meeting in Bełchatów. I’ve met some amazing people, who were already achieving success. I saw that one can have a different life. That in business there is no such thing as a “glass ceiling”, that we all have an equal chance to grow. I came back home and I already knew - that was it. The products were not only Polish, but they were also based on solid scientific grounds. That’s how my personal growth with MLM has started. It wasn’t an easy path, it took mistakes and problems for me to learn this business which is based on completely different values and goals than a classic 8-5 job.

That’s why I experienced moments of crisis, first failures, but then, with time, also successes. Today I know one thing: it’s worth learning, experiencing, and not giving up. What am I grateful for? Too many things, but first and foremost for the fact that my business path has been awarded with travel prizes, auto programme, and passive income. And the joy that comes from being appreciated for your work is simply incredible. Definitely worth the experience. But there is one more thing, something most important that has a special place in my heart. It’s the people that I’ve met here, who became my inspiration, lesson, experience. The people whom I’ve been watching for years and quietly delighted with their successes. But there are also those, whom I’ve connected to not only with the business ties but also with friendship, understanding, mutual attention, and help. And that in life is priceless.

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Aneta Kownacka

Director WellU

My story can be entitled “A coach in action”. I started the adventure with network marketing in a non-typical way – from the trainer’s side. Six year ago I was invited to cooperate with a MLM company as Sales Director. After three years of work at the post, I accepted the offer to become a Project Manager in the network marketing company from a beauty industry. Finally, we went our separate ways, but I am grateful to my former employers for showing me how the MLM business functions “behind the scenes”. At that time I also ran a trainer’s activity under my own brand in the scope of Life & Business Coaching. Today I make use of my manager, mentor, coach and trainer’s skills of FRIS® method to build my own business organization in the framework of Beauty World-WellU project. Don’t be afraid of a change!

At a certain moment of my professional career I felt that there came the moment for something that is a stable and reliable element of life. For a CHANGE. As a coach I know that change can be uncomfortable, that it requires to go out of the comfort zone and makes us feel uncertain. Change is also characterized with that it opens new possibilities – the door that so far was closed. It happened this way in my case.  I decided to try my hand as a leader.


I am a person who willingly gets down to work and takes on challenges. An entrepreneur I know and whose opinions I respect a lot, showed me a project in which I can remain independent, inspire others to act and share values that are the most important for me. Why did I say “yes”? Because WellU is a project that is run with a passion, focused on the people, provides lots of business opportunities. I found courage and started to build my own team. In as few as a couple of months I was promoted to a Director’s position, while making it possible for the other persons who decided to cooperate with me to earn more, obtain more benefits and get promoted.


You can create your future


Coaching remained the biggest love of my life. Building a structure I can pursue my passion. I can associate in my team the ambitious, beautiful women, who want more from life and are decided to change something in it. The previous professional experience made me perfectly jungle with the soft and hard competencies. From one side I am able to thoroughly analyze my business and look at that strategically, and from the other side – I can be a business coach for my team.


Creating of own stable organization in the framework of the MLM system, similarly to coaching, requires a huge responsibility. Of course, you can learn such an attitude. I build an open communication and individual responsibility with my group, I also discover personal leadership. While working with women, I most often uncover the subject of self-esteem and proper communication. We perform in compliance with the idea that “You may not change the past, but you can create the future”.


You set your standards, you are the brand

If you are afraid that in MLM company you will meet intrusive sellers or someone who will force you to the things you do not feel like doing, I can calm you down. Every structure in the framework of the MLM company is a separate “brand”, and its class mainly depends on the leader who is at the forefront of it. Usually such a leader attracts persons who are similar to each other.

I have decided to join the WellU project, because I can cooperate with the owners of the beauty salons, SPA and Youth Clinics. I have been working with entrepreneurs since I turned 19 years old, and a corporation taught me the business etiquette and high standards of work. In the bank where I started my professional career, I was mainly dealing with the company owners and premium clients. 

How do you imagine an ideal business?

In life I reach for the higher and higher standards and higher quality, because I like what is named premium. All that WellU creates serves for the better quality of life, thus we perfectly match each other. The Company means not only perfect cosmeceuticals and diet supplements. This is also the human face of the business, unique, friendly and home atmosphere. This is a Company where the Owners carefully listen to the opinions of their business partners and put their needs in the centre of the actions. Do you want to feel in practice what the “WellU Spirit” means? Are you ready for a change?

Now it’s time for you! 

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Zdeněk Ulrych

Director WellU

In 2013, we started working with the company, still under the name Collagen Beauty. At the beginning of the creation and emergence of individual products, we have seen how great the future quality potential of this company is. We have gradually switched from home products to working with products from the professional line. Step by step, we also created a structure of collaborators. Thanks to new high-quality dietary supplements, we started a healthy lifestyle. We have experienced many beautiful moments, fun and holidays with WellU, and the autoprogram developed and implemented by the company is a hanging on the cake. WellU for us is meetings with people, fun and business with perspective.

Jolanta Fedak

Director WellU

My story with WellU started... I can no longer remember when and lasts to this day. Why WellU? Because it's not just the beauty of the outdoors. It's also what's deeper. It is the hearts of people who create this climate and environment, which is difficult to find elsewhere. We are for them, and They are for us. Wonderful places, unforgettable moments, luxury cars, with WellU all this is possible. And friendships that stay with us forever.

Monika Marčanová

Director WellU

Ever since my youth, I have been fascinated by the world of beauty, cosmetics, and a healthy lifestyle. That’s why in 2010 I commenced my collaboration with an international cosmetic company, where I appreciated the wide assortment of cosmetics and the motivational system. My enthusiasm and hard-working attitude were rewarded with a director rank and an amazing team of people. However, in 2015 so many things happened in my life, that what I wished for was the combination of nature, healthy lifestyle, and cosmetics under one company. And exactly in this year, by no coincidence, WellU appeared in my life. A company that was fulfilling my dreams and requirements.

The high quality of diet supplements, the best cosmetics, and most importantly harmony with nature under the expert supervision of a scientific team managed by an incredible person, doctor, and scientist… Mr. Frydrychowski, who has truly motivated me. Cosmetics were a delight not just for me, but also for my skin I was eager to pass this delight further and I still am passing it to my team, my friends, and my clients. The synergy of diet supplements and cosmetics truly interests me and I love that I can share this enthusiasm, beauty, and health. Regular and expert training, wonderful awards, and a just motivational system are an additional cherry on top. . Remember… „Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.“ – Les Brown. With all my heart I wish you that your dreams come true as well. Humbly and respectfully.

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Beata Reszko

Vice Director WellU

Why WellU? Ever since I remember, I always valued the quality over a profitable “fudge” 😉 The first time that I came in touch with the company resulted in the flash of excitement that transformed into a forever-lasting twinkle in the eye and a spark for action. I am lucky because I can call what I do enthusiasm and passion, not a duty. And the people who form the WellU structure - a Big Family. I am happy that fate has directed my life in such a way and that thanks to you and the amazing products I can continue to discover and learn new possibilities. The WellU career invariably associates with a smile on the faces of happy customers, whom we gift with health and beauty in the purest of forms. And that’s beautiful!

Katarzyna Kołomańska

Vice Director WellU

For over ten years I have been fond of collagen-based cosmetics. I have started using them when I was 30 even though back then I thought that I didn’t even need them 🙂 I registered in WellU to have constant access to products with discounts. I never thought of myself as a brilliant salesperson, but WellU products practically sell and recommend themselves. Now that I am working with wonderful people, forming a real “Dream Team”, I was promoted to WellU Vice Director, went to Kenya for holiday and I keep on making my dreams come true. I know that you can do a lot when your team consists of people with whom you share passion and trust. And it all started so ordinarily. When I was 35 years old, I had knee surgery and thanks to the Nutrivi collagen diet supplements I quickly got back in shape and my knee healed so quickly that the physiotherapist that I was working with, became interested in those products and started collaboration with me. As for me, while I was recommending the products, I was also building my network of WellU Busiesspartners. In a way, the process was happening and spinning on its own...

After a year since my injury, I was able to return to my passion, which is road-cycling, even though earlier I was afraid that it would no longer be possible, as I was even facing the possible necessity of knee replacement for the endoprosthesis. When I was 40, I had a spine injury, accompanied by partial paralysis and complicated damage of spinal disk, and I ended up having surgery. Of course, throughout the process, I was using the Nutrivi supplementation: Revicoll Omega Plus, Vitamin C+, and peptide drinks. A doctor’s and physiotherapist’s expertise, combined with supplements enabled me to get back on a bike, unfortunately only a city one. At the age of 43, thanks to an amazing group of people, who trusted me, I achieved the rank of WellU Vice Director. I love people, I like working with them and support in reaching for goals. I think that it’s easier to climb the dream heights when you are together with great people who share a passion.

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Sabína Galbavá

Vice Director WellU

The company WellU appeared in my life in April 2019. Since I was 16 , I worked some odd jobs in the perfumes’ sector, which gave me a perspective to observe the market, to assess which cosmetics may be considered a high quality products and which ones may not. I came across the Larens preparations by chance, when my Mum allowed me to try the Hydro Balance Face Cream. I was enchanted with its quality, because so far nothing has had such an effect on my skin as this cream did just over one night! The next meeting, this time with the eye cream Syn Ake Eye & More, bore the fruit in registration with WellU. The fact that the Larens products were not on Instagram at that time was to my advantage and disadvantage at the same time. The beginning was difficult until I managed to present these perfect products and convince my clients to buy. Then, there came a moment when my business speeded up and since then it is developing at an incredible rate.

I think this is because people feel right from the start the difference on their skin between the cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. I am incredibly grateful to the company for Mini Cooper, for the holidays on the Dominican Republic, and in particular for that WellU is my full time job. They say that if you do what you love, this is not a job, but hobby with which you earn your living. This is my case.

WellU deserves one big THANK YOU!

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Lucie Zalabáková

Vice Director WellU

The turning point in my life was meeting with the company WellU. It demonstrated that it is possible to run a business freely even without the high starting expenses, and in particular without a risk. I build the financial independence for me and my family. It is possible for me to build my business from home, and at the same time in the whole world. The term work changed its meaning. My job is self-realization and a lifestyle.

WellU showed me approaching men in a comprehensive way. A holistic attitude. It means that we care for ourselves and our body from the inside so as it would be also beautiful outside. It is done without masking the consequences, but via dealing with the reasons.

For me WellU is making a few dreams of mine come true at the same time.

Right from the beginning I noticed an occasion to change people’s life for the better. When we make the other happy, our existence gains the depth and meaning. I take care for the whole team, I really value their work and passion. It’s amazing: to be directly engaged in their development, to inspire in business, skin care, caring for the health of both the body and mind.

Let’s be the best version of ourselves every day!

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Gabriela Körner

Vice Director WellU

How did I find my dream job? I was always lured by independence, I hated rules and commands, I have always been a rebel and a dreamer. I was dreaming about freedom, which is a basic criterion for an astrological Gemini, such as myself. I knew what I wanted and I know how to pursue it. While I tried many paths, the WellU one works best for me, I am happy and content. To work for myself. To be able to independently set criteria, earn as much, and with whomever I want. I want to be the one responsible for how much money I made Yes - that’s what I get from working with WellU. However, it did take me some time before I cleared the way to the dream goal, it wasn’t always pleasant, and sometimes it even hurt a lot. Starting a business is not a joke, and it’s definitely nothing pleasant in Czechia. If you want to be doing what you like, the most important things are probably patience and the ability to work hard. The success will not appear right away, but if you keep on working on yourself, it will all come with time. You need to be eager to work. To work every day and work way, way better than ordinary workers… I have a lot of work, the countless crowd of happy customers, and a head full of ideas. I am happy and I strongly believe that I will remain fortunate - nevermind the crisis, nevermind the coronavirus. I will continue to follow my dream!

After a year since my injury, I was able to return to my passion, which is road-cycling, even though earlier I was afraid that it would no longer be possible, as I was even facing the possible necessity of knee replacement for the endoprosthesis. When I was 40, I had a spine injury, accompanied by partial paralysis and complicated damage of spinal disk, and I ended up having surgery. Of course, throughout the process, I was using the Nutrivi supplementation: Revicoll Omega Plus, Vitamin C+, and peptide drinks. A doctor’s and physiotherapist’s expertise, combined with supplements enabled me to get back on a bike, unfortunately only a city one. At the age of 43, thanks to an amazing group of people, who trusted me, I achieved the rank of WellU Vice Director. I love people, I like working with them and support in reaching for goals. I think that it’s easier to climb the dream heights when you are together with great people who share a passion.

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Elizabeth Sobon

Director WellU

I got to know the Larens brand 5 years ago when I was searching for an “eco” and “bio” kind of brand that would support me in my endeavours to stop the signs of the passing time on my face. Because of sensitive skin, I am a rather picky person and it is difficult to satisfy my expectations as far as the skincare is concerned. And this brand has truly delighted me. For over ten years I had been working in international corporations, managing people and projects. I’m familiar with the PR actions and have many successful projects in this field in my portfolio. In the construction business, I had been working with the projects of skyscrapers, shopping malls in different parts of the world. Since 2006 I am affiliated with London and I divide my life between Great Britain and Poland.

2 years ago after having an honest conversation with myself and having analyzed the facts regarding the automatization of many business sectors within the following years, I have decided that what has been so close to me since childhood, namely cosmetology, can become my new career. To pursue that I have started yet another, fourth degree and I obtained cosmetology qualifications in the UK and Polish markets. I am currently collaborating with a Beauty brand in the field of marketing, sales, customer service, promotion, and loyalty programmes across entire Europe. Numerous training, as well as the business input into the WellU company, have resulted in the role of the Larens Professional trainer.

I have completely turned my professional life around after 40. I have a new career, I’m fulfilling myself as an entrepreneur and as a person, passing on the obtained knowledge in a new, Beauty sector.

As a “Secret of Women Beauty Naturally” I am advising beauty parlours and SPA how to holistically manage a “relax spot”. I am implementing the Larens brand into salons. I am passionate about the Japanese lifestyle – I practice rejuvenating massages, IKIGAI – the art of minimalism, and slow jogging – Japanese running with a smile – a path to longevity. I never stop learning and visiting the world.
Combining a few functions as an entrepreneur, I do what I love

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Jana Göpfertová

Vice Director WellU

I had known about the existence of WellU since around 2016 I was working in another MLM company and was doing pretty well there, so I didn’t feel a need to find out more about WellU. That changed when my husband, who for the last 20 years has been dealing with scientific research has also found out about WellU. He practically forced me to attend the WellU Congress, where we have seen and understood the scope of the products’ effects. We were both delighted but at the same time angry at ourselves, for not paying attention to WellU earlier.
At the same time, I have reestablished the contact with my colleague from the former company, who has been working with WellU for a while now.

She helped me a lot and has introduced me to the secrets of the WellU business.

The incredible results of the WellU products don’t cease to astonish me until this day. I share the delights of customers and Businesspartners and I am happy that I have found the courage to decide on a change.

WellU has expanded new horizons for me, I have learnt many new things and have found the people who are here to help each other. I strongly believe that the research and the new products that WellU keeps working on will bring a breakthrough for humanity. I am happy that I will leave a beautiful and healthy life with WellU.

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Grażyna Chmielewska

Vice Director WellU

They say:“Do what you love and you will not work a day in your life”– this sentence is definitely my story and reflects how I feel being a part of WellU.

I joined the team thanks to my colleague and sponsor Violeta Krzystyniak. It was her who was convincing me to try the miraculous products over two years and assured me that I would fall in love with them immediately. It all happened as she told me – I lost my head over the preparations of WellU brands, and promoting them and working for the company proved to be my passion.

Being a part of WellU, working with my team, getting to know new people – all this makes every day exceptional, it brings me lots of satisfaction and energy to act. Additionally, I value a lot the trust from the Company, investing in the teams, assistance in building career, training, meetings and conferences.

I would also like to add that at present I drive Mini Cooper…, because the Company makes my dreams come true.

She helped me a lot and has introduced me to the secrets of the WellU business.

The incredible results of the WellU products don’t cease to astonish me until this day. I share the delights of customers and Businesspartners and I am happy that I have found the courage to decide on a change.

WellU has expanded new horizons for me, I have learnt many new things and have found the people who are here to help each other. I strongly believe that the research and the new products that WellU keeps working on will bring a breakthrough for humanity. I am happy that I will leave a beautiful and healthy life with WellU.

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Katarzyna Szymoniak

Vice Director WellU

I’ve been with WellU ever since its beginnings, which is long enough to be able to express my objective opinion. I truly value this collaboration, mostly because of fantastic and very efficient products, professionalism, and attention that we receive from the board members, as well as the possibilities that WellU opens for everyone, depending on their time capacities and ambitions. Being a physiotherapist is the passion that I’ve been following since 1983. I worked with many great sportsmen, Olympic players, i.a., national tennis team, Qatar’s handball representation, and people from the world of culture and science.

. I also conducted lectures for the students of physiotherapy at the polyclinic hospital in Gdansk. Presently, in my Sopot-based Rehabilitation Centre Fizjo-Sport, I train the students from the Gdansk College of Health. I am really happy to be able to pass my knowledge in the field of using fish collagen peptides in rehabilitation for future physiotherapists. Over ten years ago, when I was embarking on my adventure with WellU, one could say that I was a pioneer in using nutraceuticals in rehabilitation prior and after surgeries, in sports injuries, degenerative changes, and other orthopedic and neurological diseases.

The cooperation with WellU provided me with an additional tool – the nutraceuticals that helped to restore health to many of my patients, allowing sportsmen to return to professional activities.

We are always excitedly looking forward to every product premiere, which usually happens during wonderful, carefully prepared “WellU Galas”. These are incredible events when the company gives us opportunities to learn, integrate, but also relax and have a wonderful time. Thanks to those meetings and numerous trips, often to very attractive, exotic destinations, we get to know each other and form true, long-lasting friendships.

I am happy that because of my cooperation, for years now I and my family have been able to use the top quality cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals. Also, my daughters (a physiotherapist and a cosmetologist) followed their mother’s example and trusted WellU products, using them professionally.

I believe that our native company will keep on surprising us and developing for the good of all of us.

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Ivana Dlouhá

Vice Director WellU

My life has crossed paths with WellU in 2014 and ever since the company is a part of my and my entire family’s daily life. Taking care of ourselves with WellU products is a wonderful ritual that results in visible, positive changes. It came to me very naturally, to start recommending and telling everyone with delight about our cosmeceuticals and the entire spectre of vitalizing and regenerating products for internal use. A wide structure of clients and Businesspartnerts started appearing very quickly. After a quick start, came stable promotion to the Vice Director rank. The beautiful thing is that I get promoted alongside my Businesspartners. The reason why I chose WellU is the holistic approach to a human being.

The reason why I chose WellU is the holistic approach to a human being. A good frame of mind, beautiful skin, a lot of energy, new friends, stable remuneration, unmatched holiday, autoprogramme, and first and foremost great humility, manners, kindness, and support from the company’s board is a visible value that provides us with energy to work harder…

I have experienced WellU on “my own skin”, it is a part of my life and I recommend it to everyone, it’s a great power.

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Bogusław Fedak

Vice Director WellU

Ladies and Gentlemen! For the last 20 years, I had been working as an editor on Polsat TV. A few years ago I started wondering about my future and asking myself questions regarding the future and the quality of my life. I have a family, a 12-year-old Son, with whom I wanted to be spending more time. Whole days spent at work brought up a question: can I do anything to change that and have more time for my loved ones? Do I really want to continue with a full-time job until I retire? I started wondering about my retirement fund and whether the social fund was enough of a safety guarantee for my family?
My family’s health is extremely important to me. Do I have any influence in this matter, what else can I do to make sure that I have properly taken care of my family’s and my own health? I was looking for the answers to these questions… and I found them.

Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Bogusław Fedak and today I am WellU Vice Director, and I no longer work full-time. On a daily basis, I work with people who value health, beauty, as well as self and financial development. I am convinced that I have found an ideal place and job for myself because I now have time for my Son and my family. I also gain satisfaction from helping others and I am building financial independence.

Ladies and Gentlemen! If any of the questions that I was asking myself seems familiar to you, allow me to invite you to WellU

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Michaela Kunická

Vice Director WellU

Before I met WellU in February 2018, I had been working in another MLM. For some time I was searching for other possibilities in the market that would focus not only on caring for beauty from the outside but also on prevention and supporting the organism's health from within. A coincidence and luck have worked in my favour. After a short phone conversation with my good friend, who offered to show me something new that she had been working on, we met personally. She introduced the WellU company to me and was eager to respond to my questions. I was mostly interested in the uniqueness of the products based on scientific research and patented technologies.

Due to the fact that at that time I was dealing with pretty serious health issues, I was particularly interested in diet supplements, which I decided to test on myself.

Based on the recommendations, I started using specific products that quickly convinced me about their effectiveness.

After some time I started to feel great again I even came back to my favourite sports which were previously impossible.

Coming back to a normal, active lifestyle meant a lot to me, especially since I used to be a part of competitive sports.

What also caught my interest was a chance to manage my own independent business and build a career characterized by freedom, lack of limitations, big support, and kindness from the board. WellU company is truly unique in the aspects of constant development and research of always new products. It is proven not only by the effectiveness of each and every product, many prestigious awards but also constantly widening the scope of cooperation with various scientific institutions.

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Anna Rosicka

Vice Director WellU

Why WellU?
I was looking for a Polish company and I found it. I was also convinced   by the quality of the products. On the other hand, my main target was and still is cooperation with an honest company that is friendly for the people and environment. Without a doubt, the events organized by WellU   are fantastic and mobilize to act. I can’t not mention the car program that is very attractive. Since I started my way with WellU I am very satisfied with the cooperation and the direction that the Company took is compliant with my beliefs.

Veronika Bařinová

Vice Director WellU

In 2013 and 2015 I gave birth to my daughters, one exactly 1,5 years after another. During both pregnancies, I have gained almost 30 kgs. My body went through big changes and I was unable to return to my previous shape, even though I was active enough. I understood that my body is missing essential nourishing substances. Unfortunately, I wasn’t left with much time to prepare diversified dishes. And exactly at that time, I became interested in the Nutrivi and Slim Food offer. I didn’t care for the cosmetics, and the career path was completely out of my attention scope! My aim was directed at the Slim Food bars and vitamins. After a short time of using peptide drinks, vitamins, and bars the changes began to occur and I got intrigued with Larens cosmetic products, wanting to test them as well. And even though I was already using a good quality of cosmetics, I got really surprised by how quickly my skin began to look better and younger… such effects will surely be appreciated by any fresh mommy who doesn’t get too many chances to sleep in that time of early motherhood!

It convinced me so well that I studied the “Career path” folder – I was curious about how one can work with the products, not just buy them for themselves… I found out about their effectiveness on my own skin, so I was able to recommend them. I can’t do it any other way, I am not a salesperson, who would sell anything, quite a contrary – I am more skeptical and I first need to be convinced myself. Before my children were born, I had been working in the car industry. My duties involved looking for new providers, auctions, managing warehouses, planing for purchase in the sector of the mechanical industry. It was a whole different world! That job was difficult and I had no idea how would I, with two little kids, manage to keep on realizing my goals on the highest level of international company’s management. I began to reconsider my options to start a job in my own name, without a system in which I need to respect the decisions of my superiors… To be my own boss and have the freedom to manage my own time. And so I came up with an idea to open my own beauty salon. The initial investment is not that high, I have complemented my education, gaining appropriate qualifications and I had a clear goal: to launch, within a year, my own salon offering cosmetic treatments. I work exclusively with Larens professional products, adding my own enthusiasm. My personal mission got fulfilled within a year. In a short time, I started building my own team of professionals, we are a great community that supports each other, our communication is very open and I feel very well here. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I have my personal freedom, I work hard, but on the other hand, no one gives me orders and I am not forced to work at the expense of my family and kids. I set an example for my daughters, who see that work can be a mission and a lifestyle at the same time. When I was a child, I did not have such a role model in my parents and it makes me feel even more obliged to show it to others, not just my children. I follow the WellU golden rule: use – recommend – earn because it’s a simple model that at the same time enables us to stable build an enthusiastic team and an active network of coworkers.

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